
Two of the Six Garden Properties are nearly ready for planting!

Get acquainted with our six garden properties!

1) Salsa Garden - my backyard, it will have other plants growing as well but is will be known for the tomatoes and peppers we put in there. We also have over 500 sq. feet of Vertical Garden Space in my backyard also. We'll be growing our "vertical" plants i.e. pole beans, peas, cucumbers, grapes, etc. in that space.

2) Corn Patch Garden - It is one of our largest garden spaces, located just 6 houses up the street from my home. Besides growing corn, we'll put several other delicious veggies in that area as well. This property also comes with 2 apple trees and a long area of grape vines along the fence.

3) Horse Pasture Garden - We haven't started working in this area yet but this long narrow garden space will be great for a variety of fruits and veggies for us.

4) Naniloa Garden - Our newly acquired garden space as of March 21. It replaced the Heart of Holladay Garden area. On this garden property we now have access to plums, peaches, apricots, apple and grapes. This sunny garden will be home to a variety of plants as well.

5) Garden on the Hill - We'll hand till this area this week and start planting soon. It won't take long to get this garden space ready to go for planting.

6) Waterfall Garden - A few "Square Gardens" will go onto this beautiful property.