Julia and Chris are attending this meeting.
This is a group that I am acquainted with who are forming a local Food Shed from people, like us, who are planting gardens all over the SL valley. I've been to one of the meetings and it's a good group of people and we need to stay in the loop. Whoever can go, needs to tell them that you are representing Sheryl McGlochlin and her Holladay Garden Group. They should remember me. Your contact person is: Shane Smith. Details are in the letter below. RSVP and let me know BEFORE Thursday (since I'm leaving town Thursday morning) if you can go to this important Local Food meeting. The following is the email he just sent to me on Monday, March 30, 2009.
Hello friends,
It's almost time to talk local food again. We will address from seed to table, the multiple facets of local food production and distribution and will begin to define the Regional Foodshed Publication Products our team will be producing. The following agenda is somewhat simplistic, but my hope is that we as a team will decide what will be doing together to educate and promote the many aspects of Local Food. I'm excited to see all of you again (as well as those who will be joining us for the first time). Also, please forward this to those not on the list who may be interested in learning more or aiding this effort.
WHAT (brief, vague but hopefully catchy agenda):
* Fabulous Introductions
* The Fruits of our labor: Develop an extraordinary Vision for our work as a team
* Row-by-Row: Identify next steps and who will be helping with what (this could be catchier, I know)
The details of the gathering: location
WHERE: Salt Lake City Main Library Downtown, Conference Room C, level 1
WHO: All of us and then some (open to the public)
WHEN: Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 from 7:30p to 8:45p, I will be in the room sometime around 7p.