
During the week of March 23 - March 28, we'll be planting Peas, Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach

Peas - can be planted as soon as the soil can be worked, until May 1, planting them every 2 weeks. They should be planted 1" deep, 1-2" apart, in rows 12-24" apart.

Plant 1/4-1/2" deep, rows 12-18" apart, final spacing of plants 8-12" apart. Plant in 2 week intervals.

Plant seeds 1/2-1" deep, rows 10-12" apart, thin plants to 1-2" apart. Plant in 10 day intervals. Plant again in early September for fall harvest.

Plant seeds 1/2-1" deep, rows 12" apart, thin plants to 3" apart. Plant in 2 week intervals.