
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxFavorite Nurseries in Utah

Tri-City Nursery in Kaysville

Lamberts Nursery - 3910 So. Redwood Road

Cook's Greenhouse Nursery in Orem

If you like seeds, you really need to see Granite Seed Company's website. They're in Lehi

Wasatch Shadows in Sandy

Linden Nursery in Lindon

Alpine Gardens in Brigham (The town of Perry, actually)

Willard Bay Gardens is the best place in the state for perennials. It’s in Box Elder County

Millcreek Gardens (900 E at about 3500 south)

J & J Nursery in Layton

High Country Gardens. They have a good selection of plants that are water-wise.

There is a lady in Brigham (Edna Secrist) that has the very cheapest prices for a somewhat limited selection of perennials. She sells out of her yard. Price is $3 for well established gallon plants. Some are as high as $4. She propagates her own and they have all gone through one Utah winter. Drive east on 600 south in Brigham. Her home is on the south side of the street several blocks up. After mid-April when she gets the pots out of her greenhouse you can't miss it.

Empire Gardens (Wholesale & retail, easiest way to find it is to head north on 700 East and around 3600 South look for a tiny street marked "Empire" on your right.)
Bring a checkbook & look for Ruth. Knock on the door if you can't find anyone. Great for gallon pots of drought resistant perennials, shrubs, trees. Family relationship with Millcreek Gardens.

Cactus & Tropicals (corner of 2000 E & 2700 S)

Farmers Market (8am Saturday at Pioneer Park) Consider the lilies near Borski Farms & Caputo's on north side of market, heading east. Empire Gardens has a sampling of plants further west on that north side walkway.

Vineyard Nursery just west of Orem off Geneva Road. Not fancy but their prices are about 25% less than everywhere and it feels really homey