
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxALWAYS bring these items when coming to work in the garden

Find a "Garden" Sports Bag ($1 - $2 dollars at any thrift store)to keep the following items in and bring with you every time.

1. Check this blogsite to see what we are working on next. I'll send out an AGENDA EMAIL for the upcoming week. It will tell you what kind of work to prepare for and what kind of help we need. Sometimes we need to make sure some men will be there to help us.

2. Bring at least TWO large containers FILLED w/ water. Keep these in your car. Kinds of containers would be gallon-size plastic milk containers, 64 oz juice containers, etc. Sometimes we need water where there is no water or if the water hasn't been turned on yet.

3. Bring a water bottle for you to drink.

4. Bring a snack to eat. Working in a garden is good exercise and often makes you hungry.

5. Save and bring your dryer LINT in a ziplock plastic bag. We'll be starting lots of fires this spring in my big fire pit in my backyard. Dryer link makes GREAT kindling. We may or may not use it every time but this is something you should always have if you needed to start a fire in your own backyard. I'll prepare some dutch oven dinners for the group every so often and could use it to help heat up the coals.

6. Save your old newspapers and keep them in your car when you come. They help out in several ways i.e. getting a fire started or sitting or walking on instead of sitting or stepping in the mud.

7. Bring work gloves.

8. Do NOT wear open-toed shoes.

9. Bring any small hand garden tools, if you have them.

10. Bring your Garden Punchcard in a protective cover. It needs to last you 7 months.

11. Bring a notebook w/ a pen or pencil.

12. Wear clothes and shoes that you aren't afraid to get dirty or smell like smoke from a fire.

13. Wear long pants - especially early in the season when we are moving tree limbs and branches to avoid scraping up your legs.

14. Bring a bucket or pail w/ your name on it. The white $5 food storage containers work really well. You'll use the bucket for all kinds of things.