
GARDEN NEWS as of July 29, 2009

About our Garden Schedule:

You can always plan on M, W, F from 8 - 11 am AND T, TH from 6 - 8:30 pm.

As the harvest becomes more demanding, we'll add additional times to the schedule BUT for sure plan on this schedule until you hear otherwise.

This is ALSO the best time to pick up food.
Now that the harvest is on, everyone who comes and works in gardens is taking home some food EVERY time they come, with no exceptions! I can't promise what kind of produce or how much, but they are getting at least something, if not a variety of fresh produce.

We've turned a corner in our Gardening and the harvest has begun!!! It's VERY exciting to see the beautiful and tasty fruits of ALL of our hard labors for the past several months!

RSVP: Give me a heads up on when you are coming and I'll make sure you get some food and I can plan ahead to make sure we get stuff done.

Please tell me if this schedule does NOT work for you and we'll work out another time that you can come, work and get food. We need LOTS of help with several things - picking produce, watering, weeding, getting reading for the fall planting, etc.

In late August, we begin our fall planting! There are plenty of delicious foods to start planting at that time.